About Us

Rabia is from the Cayman Islands, a British Dependent Territory. An author living happily in Saudi Arabia for many years, she never dreamed her life would turn into a nightmare.

In 2009, when her marriage failed, her estranged husband, Ibrahim Abdul Hakim (aka Jason Edward Arch) an American and BDT citizen, promised he would never take her children away.

He broke his promise.

Rabia immediately sought the help of the Cayman Islands Government and the UK Embassy to bring her and her children home. They could not help her.

By mid 2009, Rabia was homeless, staying with friends just to remain in the country to be close to her children. But the nightmare had only just begun.

One day, Ibrahim called and said he was taking their six children to Jordan. And there was nothing she, or anyone, could do about it. Rabia cried and screamed. “No! No! You can’t take my children!”

But penniless from her fight to get her children back, Rabia was forced to do the hardest thing any mother could have to do. She had to leave Saudi Arabia. Alone.  

“My money was finished and my friends had given me shelter for as long as they could. So I gathered the children around me and I made them a promise. I said ‘I’m going to get you out. No matter where he takes you. I’m going to get you out. I promise!'”

Today, these six Caymanian children are somewhere in Jordan. Their room is damp and cold in the winter. Hot with no air conditioning this summer. Some do not go to school. They are being held against their will. They live in fear and intimidation.


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