August 19, 2010

“I’ll fix you!” he spat through clenched teeth.

The battle lines were drawn.

I was the enemy.

My children were the weapon to be used against me.

Any friends or relatives, who tried to set healthy boundaries with him in his quest for supremacy and control over me, were resented, attacked verbally and immediately cut off.

But other timid family, friends and co-workers were easily recruited and enrolled to serve as his allies.

The timeline for the battle was stipulated…

“This will go on and on,” he vowed.

I never imagined someone could be so inhuman.

I never imagined that anyone would deliberately and aggressively attempt to remove me from my children's lives. 

But then again, if you want to hurt someone, really punish them, what would you do? You’d probably take the one thing they loved most. In my case, my children.

But that wasn’t sufficient. A cruel campaign was set into motion to systematically alienate me from my children and for almost a year, I was left to speculate where they were.

“Perpetrators of parental alienation also remove any evidence of positive interaction with the child and the “target” parent, in an effort to complete the brainwashing process, such as pictures, cards, presents etc.” – Parental Alienation Resource

This is what was done to us. I was shocked when my children were instructed:

 “No pictures of your mother!”

“No gifts from her!”

“No emails from her!”

“She doesn’t want you anyway!”

“In many cases, there is a history of severe psychological problems and agitations before the alienation tactics are ever employed. Many times these individuals suffer from some type of mental illness. The alienator perceives and portrays themselves as the victim. ” – Parental Alienation Resource

Words cannot describe the horrendous pain this monster intentionally inflicted on me and my children.

He had ordained himself as my punisher.

And his primary goal was clear: to punish me and destroy the healthy, loving relationship that I had with my children.

“They are obsessed, consumed and driven, by the goal of destroying the "target" parent in the eyes of the child (or children).” – Parental Alienation Resource

That is how I would be made to pay for trying to rescue myself, and my children, from the cycle of abuse.

I would be tortured for trying to escape an emotionally unstable, violent person.

The Punisher would make sure of it. And the strategy was simple.

I would pay in tears, and loss, and love.



August 13, 2010

The time is winding down to my departure to visit the kids on September 1st and I am so very excited!

The children are also excited and counting down the days to my arrival. I doubt they will all be able to meet me at the airport, but I am sure my son, Mohammad will be there and I can't wait to hug and squeeze him. These last few weeks have been hectic, preparing for my visit and working on fundraising etc.

Baby Sumayh & I - Happy Days

The Thsirts are here! Yayyy! and thanks to so many of you fo...
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August 6, 2010

Healthy Relationships:
share responsibility and decision-making tasks and reflect respect for all the people in the relationship, including children.

Non-Threatening Behavior

• Talking and acting so that your partner feels safe and comfortable doing and saying things.


• Listening to your partner non-judgmentally.

• Being emotionally affirming and understanding.

• Valuing opinions.

Trust and Support

• Supporting your partner’s goals...

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August 2, 2010

Controlling Behavior


Does your partner:

  • act excessively jealous and possessive?

  • control where you go or what you do?

  • keep you from seeing your friends or family?

  • limit your access to money, the phone, or the car?

  • constantly check up on you?

Violent Behavior or Threats

Does your partner:

  • have a bad and unpredictable temper?

  • hurt you, or threaten to hurt or kill you? 

  • threaten to take your children away or harm them?

  • threaten to commit suicide if you leave?

  • force y...

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July 28, 2010

Let me punch you
Hold you
And kiss you.

Let me slap you
Throw you
Then, tell you I missed you.

Let me remind you
No one will love you like I do.
Let me charm you
Let me lie
Let me make your dreams come true.

Let me kick you.
Let me jab you.
Do you mind if I stab you?

Come, lay your weary head on my chest.
Let me adore you
Though I abhor you.
Let me love you to death!

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July 27, 2010

One moment, I was adored. But within a split second I would be abhorred.

Detested.  With looks of scorn shooting across the room towards me like daggers. My mind would race, trying to figure out exactly what I had done, or said, to warrant such hostility.

He’d sit watching me. Clenching and unclenching his fist. Gazing at me, silently raging with a dark under-stare like Jack Nickelson in The Shining.

Eventually, I didn’t have to wonder what I had done. He would openly admit that ju...

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July 27, 2010


* A major characteristic of abusers is their capacity to deceive others.  He can be cool, calm, charming and convincing:  a con man.

* He was verbally abused as a child, or witnessed it in his own family.

* He has an explosive temper, triggered by minor frustrations and arguments.

* Abusers are extremely possessive and jealous.  They experience an intense desire to control their mates.

* His sense of masculinity depends on the woman's dependency upon him.  He feels like a man only if h...

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Behavioral Patterns and Personality of Controlling Men

July 23, 2010

“One of the worst things about controlling men is that they always feel that what they do is right. They do not care about what effect their actions and words can have on the other person. They expect their partner to provide them with all the comforts and luxuries of life. But when the need arises for them to reciprocate the kindness and love, they simply turn you down. You can hardly expect anything good or positive from the controlling men in the period of adversities or calamities. A ...

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July 21, 2010

A daughter is the happy past, the joyful present, and
the promise of the future.”  ~Author Unknown


My eldest daughter will be 15 years old in a few days. Her name is Alia. It means “Exalted”…High.

 I dreamed of her even as a small child. I had a baby doll that I loved more than anything. And when Alia was born, everyone was amazed at her resemblance to that doll.  But I wasn’t shocked at all. She had always been in my dreams.

She was a huge, beautiful baby wit...

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July 19, 2010

Thanks to my dear friend, Christina for this lovely cake inspired by my fight for my kids. It is chocolate and peanut butter filling with the kids' names all over.

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Lady Rabia Abdul Hakim Former Miss Teen cayman Islands and martial artist, Lady Rabia is also a prolific poet, documentary photographer, entrepreneur and author. Former Co-Founder of BIG CAUSE (Arabia) and current Founder & CEO of ContessaBlack Publishing & Media. Lady Rabia is fighting to get her six children, who are being held in Jordan by their father.



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